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Network members are interested in the role of law and policy in protecting children and vulnerable members of the family. Not all families are able to care for and socialise their children, and some children are subject to neglect and abuse at the hands of their parents. Adults may also be threatened with or experience intimidation and violence within their families. Areas of interest include:

  • when and how should the state intervene to protect children and vulnerable adults?   
  • what is the right balance between protection and respect for family autonomy?
  • how can parents living in adverse circumstances be assisted and supported to bring up their children?
  • where do the boundaries lie between the courts and welfare agencies in deciding on plans for the future of children who are in state care?   
  • how can the law protect adults and children from the effects of domestic violence and abuse?
  • how will welfare be protected as more family cases are diverted from courts into mediation?

Network members’ projects on protection