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Daniel Bedford, Catherine Dupre, Gábor Halmai and Panos Kapotas (eds) (2022), Human Dignity and Democracy in Europe: Synergies, Tensions, Crises, (Edward Elgar 2022).

Árnason ÁÞ, Dupré C (2020). Icelandic Constitutional Reform People, Processes, Politics., Routledge  

Skinner S (eds)(2019). Ideology and Criminal Law: Fascist, National Socialist and Authoritarian Regimes. Oxford, Hart

Skinner SJ (2019). Lethal Force, the Right to Life and the ECHR: Narratives of Death and Democracy. Oxford, Hart

Bicknell CH, Evans MD, Morgan R (2018). Preventing Torture in Europe. Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing  

Rappert B, Gould C (2018). The Dis-eases of Secrecy:. Tracing History, Memory, and Justice. Johannesburg, Jacanda. 

Brown N, Rappert B, Webster A (2017). Contested futures: a sociology of prospective techno-science. DOI.

Rappert B, Balmer B (2016). Absence in Science, Security and Policy from Research Agendas to Global Strategy., Palgrave. 

Dupre CCL (2015). The Age of Dignity: Human Rights and Constitutionalism in Europe. Oxford, Hart Publishing/Bloomsbury

Lamb R (2015). Thomas Paine and the Idea of Human Rights., Cambridge University Press.

Rappert B (2015). Sensing absence: How to see what isn't there in the study of science and security. DOI.

Skinner SJ (eds)(2015). Fascism and Criminal Law: History, Theory, Continuity. Oxford, Hart

McCann A, Hallo de Wolf A, van Rooij M (eds)(2014). Law and Governance: When Private Actors Contribute to Public Interests. The Hague, Eleven International

Journal articles

Barrett DA (In Press). The importance of regulators and inspectorates to the realisation of equality and human rights: Ensuring compliance and supporting mainstreaming. Public Law Full text.

Bicknell C (In Press). Same Tools Used Differently: the Preventive Potential of the European Arrest Warrant against Inhuman Treatment. European Human Rights Law Review Full text

Gola S (In Press). Right to Health in GATS: can the Public Health Exception Pave the Way for Complementarity?. Pace International Law Review Full text.

Barrett DA (2019). The Regulatory Space of Equality and Human Rights Law in Britain: the Role of the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Legal Studies Full textDOI

Bicknell C (2019). Uncertain Certainty?: Making Sense of the European Court of Human Rights’ Standard of Proof. International Human Rights Law Review8, 1-35. Full textDOI

Collins P, Fradley P (2019). Policing the Boundaries of Articles 8 and 11 ECHR. Industrial Law Journal Full textDOI

Dupre C (2019). ‘Human Dignity is Inviolable. It must be respected and protected’. European Human Rights Law Review2, 101-109.

Dupre C (2019). ‘Making Dignity Work’. European Human Rights Law Review2, 115-118.

Dymond A (2019). Towards a socio-technical understanding of discretion: a case study of Taser and police use of force. Policing and Society: an international journal of research and policy Full textDOI

Hudson B (2019). Editorial: the Future of Internal Displacement and Sustainable Development. Journal of Internal Displacement9(1), 2-4.

Barrett D (2018). The effective design, implementation and enforcement of socio-economic equality duties: lessons from the pupil premium. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law40(1), 57-77. Full textDOI

Dymond A, Hickman M (2018). Body-worn cameras, use of force and police-civilian interactions. Policing (Oxford)12(1), 1-5. DOI

Dymond A (2018). ‘Taser, Taser’! Exploring factors associated with police use of Taser in England and Wales. Policing and Society Full textDOI

Hudson B (2018). Editorial: Special Issue on Law and Society CRN 11: Displaced Peoples. Journal of Internal Displacement8(1), 2-4.

Hudson B (2018). Migration in the Mediterranean: Exposing the Limits of Vulnerability at the European Court of Human Rights. Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal4, 26-46. Full text.

Bicknell CH (2017. A Hydra in Detention Settings: a context-based inquiry of Corruption’s many heads. Human Rights Law Review  Abstract.  Full text.

Collins P (2017). The Inadequate Protection of Human Rights in Unfair Dismissal Law. Industrial Law Journal47, 504-530. Full textDOI

Hudson B (2017). Homosexuality and "Gay Propaganda". European Human Rights Law Review5, 505-508.

Hudson B (2017). Labour Exploitation and Human Trafficking. European Human Rights Law Review3, 326-329.

Hudson B (2017). Migrants on Lampedusa. European Human Rights Law Review2, 192-195.

Hudson B (2017). Murder of a Journalist. European Human Rights Law Review4, 406-409.

Hudson B (2017). Pension Entitlements of Gurkha Soldiers. European Human Rights Law Review1, 94-97.

Barrett DA (2016). Tackling Radicalisation: the Limitations of the Anti-Radicalisation Prevent Duty. European Human Rights Law Review Full text.

Skinner SJ (2016). Crimes Against the State and the Intersection of Fascism and Democracy in the 1920s-30s: Vilification, Seditious Libel and the Limits of Legality. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies36.3, 482-504. Full textDOI.

Dupre C (2016). ‘Constituţie neconstituţională: un concept oportun’. Buletinul Curţii Constituţionale a Republicii Moldova1, 44-44.

Dupre C (2016). ‘Le respect de la dignité humaine: principe essentiel du droit du travail’. Droit du Travail, 670-677.

Gola S (2016). Medical Tourism in India – in Whose Interest?. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy Full textDOI.

Gola S (2015). International Trade & Health Equity: Have Benefits of Medical Tourism ‘Trickled Down’ to India’s Poor?. Law Social Justice and Global Development Journal Full text.

McCann A (2015). Comparing the Law and Governance of Assisted Dying in Four European Nations. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance2(1), 37-91.

McCann A (2014). Irish Legal solution to the Hammock Case. European Review of Private Law22(1), 119-129.

McCann A, Colombi Ciacchi A, Oldenhuis F (2014). Non-contractual Liability for Defective Immovable Property - the Hammock Case in a Comparative Perspective. European Review of Private Law22(1), 89-156.

McCann A (2014). The CJEU on Trial: Social Justice and Economic Mobility. European Review of Private Law22(5), 729-767.

Dupre CCL (2013). Human Dignity in Europe: a Foundational Constitutional Principle. European Public Law19 (2)(May 2013), 319-341.

Dupre CCL (2012). Dignity, Democracy, Civilisation. Liverpool Law Review DOI.

Duggan-Larkin J (2010). ‘Can an Intergovernmental Mechanism Increase the Protection of Human Rights? the Potential of Universal Periodic Review in Relation to the Realisation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights28, 548-581.


Bicknell C (2020). Council of Europe and the European System. In Evans M, Modvig J (Eds.) Research Handbook on Torture, Edward Elgar  Abstract.  Full text.

Dupre C (2020). Conclusion: what has changed?. In  (Ed) Icelandic constitutional reform: people, processes, politics, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 252-257

Dupre C (2020). Introduction: making sense of the Icelandic constitutional reform. In  (Ed) Icelandic Constitutional Reform: People, Processes, Politics, Abingdon and New Yor: Routledge, 1-18

Dupre C, Arnason AT (2020). The reform of the 1944 Constitution and Icelandic constitutionalism. In  (Ed) Icelandic Constitutional Reform:. People, Processes, Politics, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 26-53

Barrett DA (2017). The Future of the Right to Education in the UK: the Challenge of Anti-Radicalisation Measures. In Lang R, Smyth C-M (Eds.) The Future of Human Rights in the UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.  Full text.

Bicknell CH, Evans MD (2017). Monitoring prisons: the increasingly complex relationship between international and domestic frameworks. In Daems T, Visschers J (Eds.) Europe in Prisons, Palgrave Macmillan 

Dymond A (2017). Shocking Silences: the Management and Distribution of Silences Around Taser. In Mellor F, Webster S (Eds.) The Silences of Science: Gaps and Pauses in the Communication of Science, London: Routledge, 253-273.

Barrett DA (2016). The Importance of Equality and Human Rights Law in Addressing Socio-Economic Inequality. In Cuypers D, Vrielink J (Eds.) Equal is Not Enough, Intersentia 

McCann A, Colombi Ciacchi A (2016). Fundamental rights and humaneness in European private law: the case of health care. In Ferreira N, Kostakopoulou D (Eds.) The Human Face of the European Union Are EU Law and Policy Humane Enough?, Cambridge University Press, 104-130. 

Skinner SJ (2016). The Core of McCann: Lethal Force and Democracy under the European Convention on Human Rights. In Early L, Austin A, Ovey C, Chernishova O (Eds.) The Right to Life under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Twenty Years of Legal Developments since McCann v the United Kingdom, Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, 67-73.

Skinner SJ (2015). Conclusion: Repression and Legality. In Skinner S (Ed) Fascism and Criminal Law: History, Theory, Continuity, Oxford: Hart, 191-196.

Skinner SJ (2015). Fascist by Name, Fascist by Nature? the 1930 Italian Penal Code in Academic Commentary, 1928-1946. In Skinner S (Ed) Fascism and Criminal Law: History, Theory, Continuity, Oxford: Hart, 59-84.

Skinner SJ (2015). Introduction: Fascism and Criminal Law, 'One of the Greatest Attributes of Sovereignty'. In Skinner S (Ed) Fascism and Criminal Law: History, Theory, Continuity, Oxford: Hart, 1-11.

Skinner SJ (2015). Reati contro lo Stato e l'intreccio tra fascismo e democrazia degli anni venti e trenta del Novecento: vilipendio, libello sedizioso e la sospensione della legalità. In Lacche L (Ed) Il Diritto del Duce: Giustizia e Repressione nell'Italia Fascista, Rome: Donzelli, 57-77.

Dupre CCL (2015). Unconstitutional Constitution: a Timely Concept’ in P Sonnevend (ed.), the Hungarian Constitution in the European Constitutional Area (Hart Publishing. In  (Ed) A von Bogdandy and. Sonnevend (ed.), Constitutional Crisis in the European Constitutional Area: Theory, Law and Politics in Hungary and Romania, Oxford: CH Beck, Nomos and Hart, 351-370.

McCann A (2014). Euthanasia in England, France and the Netherlands: a Comparative Law and Governance Perspective. In McCann A. Hallo de Wolf A, van Rooij M (Eds.) Law and Governance: When Private Actors Contribute to Public Interests, the Hague: Eleven International

Dupre CCL (2012). Human Dignity: Rhetoric, Protection, Instrumentalisation. In  (Ed) A Constitution for a Disunited Nation. Hungary's New Fundamental Law, Budapest: Central University Press, 143-170.