Studying with us

Research supervision

The Law School has a dynamic international body of postgraduate researchers working in a wide range of fields. Find out more about PhD studies and funding.

We welcome enquiries from prospective research students interested in developing projects with support from any research funding body, including both the AHRC and ESRC. Please contact us to discuss possibilities.

Current research students

A range of exciting PhD projects are currently being undertaken by postgraduate students affiliated with the Human Rights and Democracy Forum: please see the Members tab above for details.

‘Research-led teaching’

In addition to their research activities, HRDF members are dedicated teachers and deliver a number of courses through which they share their passion for research and their commitment to developing and sharing new knowledge and skills. Many members teach on the core course of UK Constitutional and Administrative Law. All members also teach optional courses at undergraduate level. For second year students, these include ‘Equality and Diversity’, ‘Law, Democracy and Populism’, ‘Jurisprudence’ and ‘Human Rights and Human Dignity’. For third year students, options taught by HRDF members include: ‘Business and Human Rights Law’, ‘Modern Trafficking and Modern Slavery’, ‘Law, Politics and Power’, and ‘Human Rights Law’.

At postgraduate level, students can sign up for courses, such as ‘Dignity, Democracy and the Law, and ‘International Criminal Law and Justice’.  Find out more about all modules.