Astrophysics Events

The Astrophysics Group runs a series of events throughout the year. Please see the calendar below for further information. 

Our seminar series is organised by Dr Owain Snaith. Seminars are presented by external speakers who have been invited to visit the group and are normally held on Wednesdays at 14:00 on the 4th floor of the Physics building. 

Journal Club
Our journal club meetings usually take place on a Tuesday morning on the 4th floor of the Physics building (see calendar for exact times) and provide our postgraduates and postdoctoral researchers with the opportunity to discuss a topic of their choice, for example: their own research, a recent paper, or another idea or theory. These meetings give our postgraduates and postdoctoral researchers the chance to develop their presentation skills and improve their knowledge in unfamiliar areas of active research. Please contact the organiser if you would like more information on upcoming talks. 

Details of upcoming workshops and conferences will be displayed here. 

An ICS/ICAL calendar is available here.

WhenDescriptionLocationAdd to your calendar
12 March 2025

Astro Seminar: Exploring Habitable Worlds: Progress and Prospects on Exoplanet Missions: CHES and ET and China's Space Science Plans

Physics Building Add event
26 March 2025

Astro-Seminar: by Avon Huxor (University of Exeter)

Physics Building Add event
28 May 2025

Astro Seminar by Jhon Yana Galarza, Title: TBA

Physics Building Add event