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Environment and Sustainability Institute

About us

The environmental changes that we have set in motion are some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced. But it is when we have everything to lose that we also have the most to gain. This is the time to change the way we live on our planet. At the Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI), we lead cutting-edge interdisciplinary research to build sustainable futures. We are passionate about finding solutions to create healthy and resilient ecosystems and renew biodiversity by placing people at the heart of nature. Our approach to problem-solving environmental issues is fundamentally collaborative and hands-on by working closely with communities, businesses, government agencies and non-profits.


At the Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI), we are imagining the solutions for the world of tomorrow, a world which places nature recovery, human wellbeing and the core values of democracy and social justice at its heart. Together, we can build resilient, biodiversity rich land- and seascapes that also benefit our climate and society.

Based on the University of Exeter's Penryn Campus, in Cornwall, the ESI provides a physical convening space that homes different disciplines together to enable them to tackle complex environmental issues beyond traditional disciplinary confines. Through a hands-on and place-based approach to research and practice, we strive to clarify the intricate relationships that link people and their environment, often using our local environment as a testbed. We strive to embed sustainability ‘by default’ across all our research, education and partnership activities.

Membership and governance

Our core members are also affiliated with University departments , across all three University of Exeter faculties (Environment, Science and Economy (ESE), Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) and Health and Life Sciences (HLS)). Beyond those who reside in the ESI building, we engage with a wide range of members across the University, who convene to tackle environmental challenges via transdiciplinary approaches.

The ESI leadership team report to the ESI Executive Board, comprised of senior faculty and professional services representatives and chaired by the Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Impact) who meet on a biannual basis to support the development of our strategy and activities.

Leadership team

If you would like to know more about our events and activities, sign up here for the termly ESI newsletter