Dr Carmen Falagan Rodriguez
Cornwall Associate
University of Exeter
Environment and Sustainability Institute
Penryn Campus
Penryn TR10 9FE
About me:
I am honorary research fellow at CSM by my main job is at the University of Portsmouth as a Lecturer in Environmntal Microbioloy. At the CSM and the ESI, I collaborate in a project to develop new ways to valorise sulfidic tailings. The goal of the project is to develope and test innovative bio-leaching processes using acidophilic microorganisms under the project NEMO.
My research interests are in extreme environments, working with microorganisms and their use on biotechnological applications such as biomining, and bioremediation. I am also interested in studying the stability and securing mines and mine wastes and the exploration of new strategies to recover valuable metals from wastes.
- Extreme environments: acidic pit lakes, acid mine drainages, hydrothermal vents, volcanic lakes.
- Micobial ecology.
- Resource recovery from waste.
- Bioleaching and biohydrometallurgy.
- Climate change and mining.
- Extremophiles.
- Bioremediation.
- PhD Microbiology of acidic mine pit lakes of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (University of the Basque Country and Geological Survey of Spain, Spain)
- MSc Oceanography (University of Cadiz, Spain)
- BSc in Conservation Biology (University of Alcala de Henares, Spain)