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Environment and Sustainability Institute

Dr David Baker

Dr David Baker

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ecology and Conservation

University of Exeter
Environment and Sustainability Institute
Penryn Campus
Penryn TR10 9FE

About me:
I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working on landuse decision making for nature recovery. I am currently part of the RENEW project and was previously funded as an independent research fellow through the UKRI Landscape Decisions Programme. My research focuses on developing computational models to identify good managements actions across landscapes to delivery nature recovery targets. 

2022-present: Research Fellow, University of Exeter 
2020-2022: UKRI Landscape Decisions Fellow, University of Exeter
2016-2019: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Monash University
2015-2016: Teaching Fellow, Durham University
2012-2015: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Durham University
2010-2012: Research Ecologist, British Trust for Ornithology

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