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Environment and Sustainability Institute

Support us (philanthropy)

Support for the Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI) from alumni and friends is vital to advancing solutions for the environmental crisis. From lending expertise, to sharing connections and making donations, there are many ways in which our community of supporters can be involved.


Scientific research into global environmental problems provides crucial evidence that will make way for a sustainable future. It’s a challenging time for universities, and we are depending on our supporters more than ever to help us answer the most difficult questions, test big ideas, be flexible to opportunities, to move fast and to think boldly. Your charitable donation can make a difference to: 

A group of three people outdoors, holding papers and examining a stone wall. One person, an older man in a blue jacket, looks intently at the paper. A young woman in glasses and a yellow jacket smiles at the document she holds. A young man with long hair and a black jacket gazes up thoughtfully. They are surrounded by greenery.

ESI research  

A donation to research within the ESI could fund crucial laboratory or fieldwork equipment, support students to complete their research, or facilitate community outreach projects. Donations can be directed to specific projects and make targeted impact – from tackling the antimicrobial resistance threat, to growing local communities through nature, and sourcing responsible materials through our Camborne School of Mines.  

Support Exeter’s Environment and Sustainability research: Make a donation 

A young woman wearing a graduation cap and gown with a light blue sash stands outdoors, smiling brightly. She has curly dark hair and red lipstick. The background features an arched architectural structure, suggesting a university or similar institution.


Financial barriers prevent talented students from contributing their skills to solving the environmental crisis. We can offer scholarship support to disadvantaged students studying courses within Exeter’s Graduate School of Environment and Sustainability.  The scheme can develop and support those who are underrepresented in higher education and the environment and sustainability sector and covers costs for:  

  • MSc students (donations for tuition fees and living expenses)  
  • PhD students (donations for tuition fees and living expenses over multiple years) 

Support disadvantaged students: Make a donation

Find out more

Please contact Stephanie Cherington-Rimmell for more information on how you can make a difference through philanthropy:

Sharing your skills and expertise

The ESI is co-created with fellow thought leaders, businesses, organisations and community groups. Contributing your skills through a guest lecture, event or workshop, or meeting with our teams to help identify new opportunities are all extremely valuable ways in which we can ensure quality and success for the ESI. If you have professional or personal experience to share, whether with our students, staff or our thriving community, please get in touch with Sarah Ashton:  

Sharing your network

Help us advocate for solutions to the challenges we face by introducing the Environment and Sustainability Institute to your networks – sign up now to receive the latest updates and details of the projects we are working on.