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Global Systems Institute

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Welcome to the Global Systems Institute

Our aim is to be thought-leading in understanding global changes, solving global challenges, and helping create a flourishing future world through transformative research, education, impact and engagement.

The Institute was born out of the recognition that humans are now a global force. We have started the Anthropocene and become collectively aware that we are transforming our planet. Rather than endlessly analysing the problems this creates, we seek to identify transformative solutions to the global challenges faced by humankind.

Come and join us in creating a flourishing future together. 

Professor Peter Cox, GSI Director

 Meet the GSI Assistant Directors

James Dyke

Assistant Director for Education (ESE)

Zhong Fan

Assistant Director for Research (ESE)

Raphaëlle Haywood

Assistant Director for Impact & Engagement (ESE)

Ceri Lewis

Assistant Director with responsibility for building research links between GSI and HLS (HLS)

Ernesto Schwartz-Marin

Assistant Director with responsibility for co-production and impact (HASS).