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Global Systems Institute

BlueSky social media

GSI Exchange: promoting our research

Our dedicated communications group, GSI Exchange comprises individuals from a diverse range of fields and backgrounds, with a passion for communicating science. We are committed to tracking down all the fantastic research going on across the Institute and communicating it in the most appropriate ways to the wider world.

Please tell us about your research by completing this online form.

You are welcome to use this form for any upcoming events or any research or findings you think are of interest and we will do our best to share as much as possible. Please feel free to keep using the same link for any new developments/projects as and when you have them.

As a group we strive to:

  • gather together all existing content being generated on projects
  • generate new content (eg in the form of blogs, video material, infographics, podcasts, website and newsletter content, events)
  • establish a communications pipeline so we are aware of events and publications being planned across the GSI community
  • share expertise and experiences of communicating research

We're passionate about creating a space to share our research and events, whilst also building relationships with other scientists, researchers and industries and opening conversations with non-scientific communities to expand the range of our work and inspire change.

If you don’t already, we would be really grateful if you could follow and tag our social channels (see website header), we will be happy to follow you back.

A list of GSI Exchange group members can be found on the Who we are page of the website using the appropriate filter. 

Belonging to our group offers opportunities to: apply skills and experience beyond your immediate work; improve your network across the University and beyond; access small scale funding for novel communication outputs; and access training opportunities. If you are interested in being part of this group, please get in touch: