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Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Multimodel techniques for the study of sexism in political institutions

COLLABORATORS: Professor Susan Banducci (QStep, SSIS, Turing Fellow), Professor Hilde Coffé (University of Bath, Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies), Dr Tom Fincham Haines (University of Bath, Computer Science).

IDSAI Research Fellow: Dr Ravi Pandit

Description: Sarah Child’s “Good Parliament” Report of 2016, which focused on making the UK House of Commons more inclusive especially for women, first recommendation was that “unprofessional, sexist and exclusionary language and behaviour should have no place in the House”. This sexist behaviour creates a barrier to the full participation of women in policymaking and decreases democratic quality. Therefore, it is crucial to study when, where and how sexism occurs in political institutions.   Given that sexism is not one behavioural trait but can be exhibited in many ways (including through voice and gestures), the aim of this project is to explore the feasibility of developing a multimodal technique (relying on text, image and audio) to measure sexist language and behaviour in the House of Commons.