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The Living Systems Institute (LSI) is the flagship interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Exeter. The ambition of the Institute is to decode the complexity of living systems across scales, from sub-molecular to organismal, and from microbe to human. Our shared mission is to discover, understand and control the fundamental rules of life.
We seek outstanding interdisciplinary scientists who apply physical and quantitative approaches to uncover fundamental principles of how living systems operate or self-organise across scales, from cells to tissues to whole organisms. We are particularly seeking biophysicists whose research aligns with the Physics of Life strategic theme in the institute and complements our existing strengths in biosensing, spectroscopy, optical imaging, biophysical and data-driven modelling approaches. Areas of interest include non-equilibrium statistical physics, active matter, natural computation, morphogenesis and mechanobiology. Find more information about: Independent biophysics group leader opportunities in interdisciplinary science
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