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Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP)


Business partners

Business engagement

We regularly work with private sector partners, and have a long history of working closely with the agricultural sector and utility companies.

Our research makes a real difference to business and can help inform long-term strategic and investment decisions and grow skills and capacity.

If you feel we can help your sector or organisation contact us. 

Examples of where we have partnered successfully with businesses include:

  • Leading environmental consultancies such as Mott MacDonald, Eftec and Ricardo routinely use NEVO in their commercial practices as a knowledge-gathering, high-level screening and analysis tool.
  • Outdoor Recreation Valuation (ORVal) is the frequent use ‘go-to’ tool for a range of private sector businesses, including Mott MacDonald, AECOM, JBA Consulting.
  • The "Natural Capital Approach" was used to advise AECOM on the public benefits of river water quality - this also supported a business case for waste water treatment for Yorkshire Water.

LEEP academics have worked with the following companies:


Logo for AECOM
Anglian Water love every drop logo.
ARUP logo.
Logo for dragon capital.


The Co-operative Group (COOP) logo.
Logo for jba consulting.
Mckinsey & company logo.
Logo for m m mott macdonald.


Logo for the Offshore shellfish.
Logo for severn trent water.
Logo for south east water.
Logo for south west water.


Logo for welsh water.
Logo for eftec.
Logo for entrade.
Logo for wessex water.


Logo for pell frischmann.
Northumbrian water logo.

Policy partners

Policy support

LEEP works with policy makers in designing and appraising public policy.  We aim to provide insight to enable governments to formulate effective policies and to understand their impact on society.

Our academic staff have an impressive track record of working with policy makers and have been involved in major projects for the UK Government funded by DEFRA, NERC and others.

LEEP academics are or have recently been involved as members of several advisory bodies including:

Examples of where we have partnered successfully with policymakers include:

  • Writing the relevant sections on the treatment of the natural environment in the H.M. Treasury guidelines for public spending published in 2018.
  • Proposing a 25-year Environment Plan, subsequently adopted by all major UK political parties, and incorporated into Government policy in 2018.
  • Leadership of the Natural Environment Valuation Online (NEVO) project by Brett Day and Amy Binner. This has been adopted by central and local government as the principle decision support system for natural capital policy in the UK. 


Logo of the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs.
Logo for Natural Environment Research Council.
Logo for the Aldersgate Group.
Logo for JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee.

Community partners

Working in the community

A significant proportion of our work is about informing decisions to help build sustainable and resilient communities. Our team has a long history of working at grass roots level to carry out research and better understand how policies affect individuals, their households and businesses. 

A key example of where LEEP has partnered successfully with communities is its leadership of SWEEP (South West Partnership for Environment and Economic Prosperity).

SWEEP used multi-disciplinary research, expertise and evidence to deliver economic and community benefits to the South West, and, at the same time, protect and enhance the region’s natural environment. LEEP academics are active members of local/regional and community advisory groups, and have worked/or are working with the following:


Logo for biosphere.
Logo for the devon wildlife trust.
Logo for exmoor national park.
Logo for forest research.


logo for the forestry commission.
Logo for the national trust.
Logo for the nfu.
Logo for scottish forestry.


Logo for westcountry rivers trust.
Logo for the woodland trust.
Logo for the world wildlife fund (wwf).
Logo for the rspb.


Logo for dartmoor national park.