Research & impact
Research overview
LEEP is a global leader in environmental economic research.
It has made a significant contribution to knowledge and understanding in this field through research and by working with real-world decision makers.
Find out how LEEP is 'Evolving environmental economics for everyone'.
LEEP's research focuses on:
- Woodland planting and carbon sequestration
- Renewable energy
- Carbon capture and storage
- Food demand and security
- Biodiversity net gain, connectivity, rewilding, sparing and sharing
- Intergenerational fairness
- Natural Environment Valuation Online (NEVO)
- Woodland planting tool for NetZeroPlus
- Outdoor Recreation Valuation (ORVal)
- South West Partnership for Environment and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP) suite of tools
- Recreation and health
- Water and air pollution
- Natural hazards and risks
- Regime shifts and tipping points
- Carbon sequestration
- Biodiversity
- Noise and disamenity
- Agri-environment scheme design
- Food systems
- Biodiversity Net Gain
- Carbon sequestration
- Water quality
LEEP collaborates with research groups worldwide and undertakes studies around the globe. Much of its work has been in the UK, where it is based, but it has also carried out research in the EU, Australia, the US, South East Asia and East Africa. Its methods have global relevance and can be applied to land use problems and policy decisions anywhere in the world.