Management Structure

The Director, Professor Gordon Brown has responsibility for the strategic direction and development of the MRC CMM, in consultation with the International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB), Management Board (MB) and other Centre Principal Investigators.

The Director is supported by three Deputy Directors (Professor Elaine Bignell [research], Professor William Horsnell [training and technology development] and Professor Adilia Warris [clinical]), plus a Research Centre Manager (Dr Alberto Muñoz).‌

The ISAB is comprised of national and international experts in medical mycology, including an MRC representative. The ISAB provides the MB with objective, independent advice on our development, scientific strategy and research, training and translational activities. The ISAB receives minutes of all MB meetings, evaluates annual reports and undertakes formal Centre reviews (Years 2 and 4).

ISAB members:

Institution Name
University College Dublin  Professor Geraldine Butler (Chair)
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine  Professor Sarah Gaffen
Duke University School of Medicine Professor Joe Heitman
Centre for Discovery and Innovation Dr David Perlin
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Professor Arturo Casadevall
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute Professor Axel Brakhage 

The MB is an integral and essential part of our governing structure, and an important component of University oversight of activities within the Centre. The MB meets three times a year to advise on strategy, scientific direction, training and progress. The MB will help oversee the research and training programmes, allocation of funding, students and fellows to cross-disciplinary projects as well as the commercialisation, translation and outreach activities. One current MRC CMM student is invited to attend these meetings, and is rotating between meetings.”

MB members:

Role Name
MRC CMM Director Prof Gordon Brown (Chair)
MRC CMM Co-Director (Training) Prof William Horsnell
MRC CMM Co-Director (Clinical) Prof Adilia Warris
MRC CMM Co-Director (Research) Prof Elaine Bignell
MRC CMM Head of Training Dr Mark Ramsdale
MRC CMM PI representative Dr Elizabeth Ballou
MRC CMM PI representative Dr Peter Cook
MRC CMM Centre Manager Dr Alberto Muñoz (Clerk)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Impact) Prof Krasimira Tsaneva
Director of Research Services and Doctoral College Drs Astrid Wissenburg
Pro-Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean (HLS) Prof Sallie Lamb
Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (HLS) Prof Jo Bowtell
Deputy PVC & Executive Dean Medical School (HLS) Prof Richard Holland
Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education (HLS) Prof Daryl Wilkerson
Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research & Impact (HLS) Prof Anni Vanhatalo
Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement (HLS) Prof Huw Williams
Director of PGR (HLS) Dr Kate Ellacott
Head of Department (Biosciences) Prof James Wakefield
Director of Education (Biosciences) Dr Alan Brown
MRC/UKRI representative Dr Danielle Sagar
MRC CMM Student representative TBD (one student at every meeting - rotating)