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Children & Young People's Wellbeing @ Exeter

Education and training

Members of CYP Wellbeing are involved in education and training at all levels.

PhD research

Network members supervise PhD research in a wide range of disciplines. To explore possibilities, contact a member with expertise in your area of interest.

Information about how to apply, and funding opportunities, may be found on our Postgraduate study site.

My project focuses on objectively identifying ADHD in the classroom, and my supervisory team has expertise across health research, education, evidence synthesis and statistics. Working across disciplines has allowed my research to be informed by a variety of perspectives, helping me to approach issues in a creative manner. 

Being part of the Children and Young People's Wellbeing Network has helped me interact with the wider academic community at Exeter and beyond.

Read more from Charlie Kelman

Charlie Kelman

PhD researcher funded by NIHR from 2021-2024

Postgraduate education and training