Gender: Perceptions and material culture

Dr Linda Hurcombe

As a social construct, gender has been a growing topic within archaeology. Dr Linda Hurcombe's research on our perceptions of gender issues has identified some of the ways in which we have reflected the gender constructs of our own society uncritically back into the past. Material culture is a key means of expressing gender identity and there are many different ways in which such evidence can be explored. The three volume series published by Macmillan include international work by archaeologists, classicists and historians and offer a range of different approaches.

Hurcombe, L. 1995 'Our own engendered species', Antiquity 69:87-100.

Donald, M. and Hurcombe, L. (eds) 2000 Gender and Material Culture in Archaeological Perspective. Macmillan; London.

Donald, M. and Hurcombe, L. (eds) 2000 Gender and Material Culture in Historical Perspective. Macmillan; London.

Donald, M. and Hurcombe, L. (eds) 2000 Representations of Gender from Prehistory to the Present. Macmillan; London.