New Families, New Governance
1 March 2013 - 28 February 2015
PI/s in Exeter: Professor Anne Barlow (FAcSS)
CI/s in Exeter: Professor Liz Trinder
Funding awarded: £ 123,141
Sponsor(s): Leverhulme Trust
Project webpage(s)
About the research
This Network's project will analyse the relationship between state and family during rapid social change, using a comparative lens. It will explore the interaction between family and governance in different jurisdictions, analysing bi-directional and reciprocal influences. Despite recognition of this changing interaction, little attention has been paid to understanding and theorising its provenance and effects. This international, interdisciplinary collaboration will use three comparative case studies to develop this understanding and contribute to the evidence base for informed policy, exploring themes of voices heard and unheard; systems and processes of regulation; and meanings and understandings of family solidarity and family regulation.