Mapping Paths to Family Justice

1 June 2011 - 30 June 2014

PI/s in Exeter: Professor Anne Barlow (FAcSS)

CI/s in Exeter: Dr Janet Smithson

Research partners: Professor Rosemary Hunter (University of Kent)

Funding awarded: £ 412,963

Sponsor(s): Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

Project webpage(s)

Mapping Paths to Family Justice

About the research

This ESRC-funded interdisciplinary project aimed to provide critical evidence about the usage, experience and outcomes of the three different forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in family law currently available in the UK - Solicitor Negotiation, Mediation and Collaborative Law, at a time when these alternatives to court are likely to become increasingly used. The relative merits of these alternatives had never been investigated. This project has done so, and thus is providing an evidence base to inform future decisions by policy-makers, funders, practitioners and disputing couples. The Creating Paths to Family Justice project aims to develop 'real world' impact from this project by developing online and offline family mediation and information services.

Read more on the Network on Family Regulation and Society pages.