Current collaborative practice of educational psychologists as regards children in care.

1 March 2008 - 31 May 2008

PI/s in Exeter: Professor Brahm Norwich

Funding awarded: £ 14,000

Sponsor(s): Association of Educational Psychologists / CWDC

About the research

The aim of this study is to report on the extent and nature of the current practice of educational psychologists in multi-disciplinary work relating to children in care; provide examples of current good practice; and comment on future involvement in this area. This project will be conducted by the DEdPsych programme tutors at the University of Exeter. This comprises 5 senior EPS (Devon, Cornwall, Plymouth, Somerset and North Somerset Local Authorities), who will support the project in their services, and two academic tutors who will coordinate the project overall. The primary aim of the project is to examine the extent and nature of the current collaborative practice of educational psychologists in these 5 LA EPSs as regards children in care. This will provide cross LA examples of current ‘good practice’ and identify future possibilities for extending this work. A secondary aim will be to use the outcomes of the project to inform the DEdPsych programmes at Exeter and elsewhere.