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Social Sciences

Creating Paths to Family Justice

1 November 2015 - 31 October 2016

PI/s in Exeter: Professor Anne Barlow (FAcSS)

Research partners: Relate; One Plus One; Ministry of Justice; Family Mediation Council; Resolution Solicitors' Family Law Association; Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service

Funding awarded: £ 19,961

Sponsor(s): ESRC

Project webpage(s)

Creating Paths to Family Justice

About the research

The Creating Paths to Family Justice project  aims to develop 'real world' impact from the Mapping Paths to Family Justice project on out of court  family dispute resolution concluded in 2014.  Working with Exeter academic colleagues Janet Smithson, and Jan Ewing and Rosemary Hunter (Queen Mary University, London), the project is collaborating with partner agencies Relate, Ministry of Justice, Department for Work and Pensions, Family Mediation Council, Resolution and CAFCASS to draw on research findings to develop online and offline family mediation and information services.

Download briefing paper and report on key findings.

Watch our video: Considering mediation? Top tips from the Creating Paths to Family Justice project.