SPISEY - Supporting Practices for Inclusive Schooling & Education for Youth
31 December 2018 - 31 December 2021
PI/s in Exeter: Dr Christopher Boyle
CI/s in Exeter: Dr Alison Black Dr George Koutsouris
Funding awarded: 83100 Euros
Sponsor(s): Erasmus+ project led by University College Syddanmark, Denmark
About the research
The main purpose of the SPISEY project is to contribute to the implementation of the European strategy about early school leaving, the Inclusion and Diversity Strategy and the Pillar of Social Rights, especially focusing on school opportunities to a) offer high quality and inclusive education for all from early age, b) improve the transition process between lower and upper secondary / qualifying youth education, especially for those young students with learning difficulties and / or risk of social exclusion and c) improve employment prospects for young citizens with learning difficulties. Special attention will be given to youngsters in the transition between lower and upper secondary education / qualifying youth education, as many youngsters with learning difficulties and a higher risk of social exclusion drop out of school system at that moment in life.