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 Lizzie Harris

Lizzie Harris

Research Development Manager

 Innovation Centre Phase 2 


Innovation Centre Phase 2, University of Exeter,  Rennes Drive,  Exeter,  EX4 4RN, UK


Research Development Manager supporting academics in Humanities and Social Sciences with their pre-award grant applications. In particular, I support bids from Communications, Drama and Film as well as the School of Education. Prior to this, I spent 18 years’ teaching French, Spanish and English in the UK, Reunion Island and Guadeloupe including 10 as Head of Department in a large selective school in London.


MA Global Literatures and Cultures, Exeter University (Distinction)

BMus with French, Birmigham University II(i)

Graduate Teacher Programme, Bath University 

DALF C2, Institut français (Distinction) 

Diploma of Spanish, The Open University (Distinction) 

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Office Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:30-15:30

Wednesday 9:30 - 11:30

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