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 Edward Hone

Edward Hone

Senior Research Software Engineer



Senior Research Software Engineer (SRSE) in the Research Software Engineering Group at Exeter.


Whilst studying for his PhD in astrophysics, Ed oversaw multiple research projects from the initial concept phase through to the final publication of scientific analysis and results. During this time, he worked as part of a team to create a suite of software tools using Python to reduce, analyse and create publication-quality visualisations of data. He also took on several teaching posts in the University’s physics department, such as teaching programming skills and demonstrating practical laboratory sessions.

In October 2019, Ed began working as a Scientific Software Engineer at the Met Office, working as part of the team developing LFRic, the software infrastructure for the Met Office’s next generation weather and climate model targeting exascale computer platforms. He played a key role in developing parallel I/O capability whilst also spearheading large scale refactoring efforts to improve the formulation and structure of existing code at high and low levels.

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Journal articles

Kraus S, Kluska J, Kreplin A, Bate M, Harries T, Hofmann K-H, Hone E, Monnier JD, Weigelt G, de Wit W-J, et al (In Press). A HIGH-MASS PROTOBINARY SYSTEM WITH SPATIALLY RESOLVED CIRCUMSTELLAR ACCRETION DISKS AND CIRCUMBINARY DISK. Letters of the Astrophysical Journal
Willson M, Kraus S, Kluska J, Monnier JD, Cure M, Sitko M, Aarnio A, Ireland MJ, Rizzuto A, Hone E, et al (In Press). Imaging the disc rim and a moving close-in companion candidate in the pre-transitional disc of V1247 Orionis. Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kraus S, LeBouquin J-B, Kreplin A, Davies CL, Hone E, Monnier JD, Gardner T, Kennedy G, Hinkley S (2020). Spin-orbit alignment of the $β$ Pictoris planetary system. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hone E, Kraus S, Davies CL, Kreplin A, Monnier JD, Baron F, Millan-Gabet R, Hofmann K-H, Schertl D, Sturmann J, et al (2019). A compact gaseous accretion disk in Keplerian rotation around MWC147. A, 623 Abstract.  Author URL.
Kreplin A, Kraus S, Tambovtseva L, Grinin V, Hone E (2019). First NIR interferometrically resolved high-order Brackett and forbidden Fe lines of a B[e] star: V921 Sco. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492(1), 566-571. Abstract.
Kreplin A, Hone E, Tambovtseva L, Hofmann KH, Kraus S (2018). Resolving the origin of hydrogen-line emission in YSOs with near-infrared interferometry. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14, 257-258. Abstract.
Hone E, Kraus S, Kreplin A, Hofmann K-H, Weigelt G, Harries T, Kluska J (2017). Gas dynamics in the inner few AU around the Herbig B[e] star MWC297. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 607  Author URL.
Hone E, Kraus S, Kreplin A, Hofmann K-H, Weigelt G, Harries T, Kluska J (2017). Gas dynamics in the inner few AU around the Herbig B[e] star MWC297:. Indications of a disk wind from kinematic modeling and velocity-resolved. interferometric imaging. Abstract.  Author URL.
Davies CL, Kreplin A, Kluska J, Hone E, Kraus S (2017). Probing the origin of UX Ori-type variability in the YSO binary CO Ori. with VLTI/GRAVITY. Abstract.  Author URL.

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