Independent Fellows

Ryan Ames

Ryan Ames

BBSRC Innovation Fellow 2018 - 2021

Research interests focus on how phenotype arises from complex systems, and generating accurate representations of cellular function using integrated interaction networks.

Area of expertise:

  • Systems biology

  • Evolutionary biology

  • Genome wide studies

  • Next generation sequence data analysis

  • Network analysis

Address: Translational Research Exchange @ Exeter, University of Exeter, Living Systems Institute, Exeter, EX4 4QD


Phone: 01392 727473

You can also visit Ryan's personal website.

Jen Creaser

Jen Creaser headshot

MRC Skills Development Research Fellow 2018 - 2021

Brain activity is constantly changing and transitioning between different states. Characterising these transitions can give insight into healthy brain activity, such as attention and memory, and neurological disorders, such as epilepsy and depression. My research is on transient dynamics on networks inspired by, and applied to, the brain. I use tools from data analysis, mathematics, and statistics to interrogate brain imaging data to identify the timings and order of transitions that are emergent properties of brain networks. I construct and analyse mathematical network models to characterise phenomena and understand the underlying brain mechanisms.


Colleen Deane

Colleen Deane 220px

MRC Skills Development Fellow 2019 - 2022

Colleen's research interests lie in skeletal muscle health and adaptation across the life course. During her Ph.D., she investigated the age-related molecular basis of skeletal muscle regeneration and subsequently completed a post-doc investigating whether a lipid-lowering drug could improve metabolic and molecular muscle responses in older adults.

As an MRC skills development fellow, Colleen will be learning and applying computation modelling skills to human data sets in order to unravel the multi-omic basis of skeletal muscle atrophy (loss) and hypertrophy (growth), across age. 

Address: Translational Research Exchange @ Exeter, University of Exeter, Living Systems Institute, Exeter, EX4 4QD


Jamie Walker

Jamie Walker

Medical Research Council Career Development Fellow 2016 - 2021

Dr Jamie Walker is a Medical Research Council Research Fellow with interests in complex dynamical processes in neuroscience and neuroendocrinology. Using a multidisciplinary approach, combining predictive mathematical modelling and analysis with experimental biology, Jamie is currently focused on understanding how the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulates the pulsatile secretion of vital glucocorticoid hormones, and why the dynamics of this system changes in different physiological and pathological conditions. 

Address: Centre for Biomedical Modelling and Analysis, University of Exeter, Living Systems Institute, Exeter, EX4 4QD


Phone: 01392 406816