Arran Hodgkinson

Address: Translational Research Exchange @ Exeter, University of Exeter, Living Systems Institute, Exeter, EX4 4QD
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Vijai Anhad Dharmalingam

I am a mechanical engineer with a strong inclination towards interdisciplinary research that sits at the interface of biomechanics, applied mathematics and biostatistics. In my research, I apply varied techniques from computational mechanics, statistical methods, and data analysis to address problems in biological systems and healthcare. For instance, I have developed a computational framework based on the stochastic particle model to capture the deformation dynamics of soft matter such as filaments, membranes, and cells (RBCs) when suspended in microflows. Recently, I have been interested in using topological data analysis (TDA) techniques to design machine learning models focused on biomedical and health care applications. In my recent research, I have analysed large-scale human brain network data using TDA to quantify the anatomical structure and functional dissimilarities in both normal and clinical populations. I joined Translational Research Exchange @ Exeter (TREE) as a Postdoctoral Fellow in June 2022, and I look forward to combining my expertise in computational modelling and data analysis to address challenging problems in healthcare.
Address: Translational Research Exchange @ Exeter, University of Exeter, Living Systems Institute, Exeter, EX4 4QD