Contact the car parking team

01392 725678


South Cloisters
St Luke's Campus

Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday

Frequently Asked Questions






Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if your query is not answered here or you need further advice.

Call us on 01392 725678 or email

Car share

All employees or partner organisations that are eligible to apply for a Standard Parking Permit are entitled to apply for a Car Share Permit. Please note all members of the Car Share BUDI Team must be eligible to obtain a car share permit.

To obtain a Car Share Permit you must complete the following steps

A Car Share Permit will enable you to take advantage of:

  • A free Car Parking Permit on the Streatham and St Luke’s campuses when car sharing
  • Car Share only parking spaces (denoted by blue 2+ markings in the parking bay)
  • The Emergency Ride Home Scheme which will fund/part-fund a ride home should your ride home fail due to an unforeseen problem

More information is available by visiting the Car Share Scheme pages. Car Share Permits and Car Share Spaces should not be used on occasions when there is only one person in the vehicle.

Car sharing offers employees with no alternative to car travel the opportunity to travel in a more sustainable way, whilst allowing the University to reduce demand for car parking across the campuses. To encourage the uptake of car sharing, the University is improving the incentives we offer, including removing the charge to obtain a Car Share Permit.

A full list of Car Share only 2+ parking locations on Streatham and St Luke’s campuses can be found on the Car Share Scheme pages on the Sustainability website.

As a result of high demand for car parking across the Exeter campuses, the Car Share only spaces are available to non-Car Sharers after 09:30, if they have not already been utilised by a Car Share team. This prevents the spaces remaining empty throughout the day, and maximises capacity and flexibility for car parking across the campuses.

Information relating to the University’s Car Share Scheme is available on the Car Share Scheme web pages, including a full list of FAQs.

Permit allocation scheme

Employees who reside in postcodes EX1, EX2 and EX4 whilst attending the University are deemed to live within a reasonable distance to commute by either the active modes (walking and cycling) or by public transport. The University actively encourages travel by these modes via a range of incentives. Full details are available on the Sustainable Travel webpages.

New applicants wishing to apply for a Parking Permit should scan copies of the following documents whilst completing the online application or completing the non-university application form as applicable:

  • Address - proof of address eg, utility bill, tenancy agreement, bank statement etc. (within the last 3 months)  
  • Caring responsibility – birth certificate of dependent child or written statement regarding responsibilities for dependent relative
  • Public transport availability – bus/train service(s) number
  • Unsocial hours - signed declaration of working pattern by line manager

Yes. If you live in postcodes EX1, EX2 and EX4 and you think that a decision to turn down your application for a permit under one of the three criteria (caring responsibilities, poor access to public transport, working unsocial hours) was incorrect, then you can appeal. You should submit your appeal in writing, giving full and specific details of the reasons for the appeal, to the Car Parking Office within 10 days of the decision being notified to you. An appeal against a decision not to issue a Parking Permit will be considered by the Car Parking Appeal Panel which will aim to consider your appeal within a month of its submission.

The University offers employees a range of alternatives to encourage more sustainable travel. Visit the Sustainable Travel webpages for more details.

For those who are not eligible for a standard or an Authority to Park Permit, there are various sustainable alternative modes by which you can travel to work. See the Sustainable Travel webpages for more details.

The University invests £155,000 every year in funding a range of sustainable alternatives to car travel.

Visitor parking

To check where pay and display parking is available, view the campus maps.

Visitor parking rates effective 3rd February 2020;

  • Up to 2 hours: £3.00
  • Up to 4 hours: £5.00
  • Over 4 hours: £10.00

Visitors may only park in the following car parks:

  • Car Park C

Visitors who have been provided with a Visitors Permit may park in most designated car parking bays with the exception of the Innovation Centre, Health Centre and Sports Hall.

Internal employees are able to purchase a visitor hanging permit for £5 for half day, £10 for a full day, by contacting the Car Parking Office.  A cost code or purchase order will be required for this purpose.

We are unable to offer parking for all those visiting on Open Days but have made alternative arrangements. For more information, please contact the Student Recruitment Office to discuss the alternative options.

The following table summarises the current (April 2014) rates of pay and display at major car parks within Exeter:

Car Park up to 2 hours up to 4 hours Over 4 hours
Devon County Council - University £1.30 £2.50 £3.60
University of Exeter £2.00 £4.00 £6.00
RD&E £2.00 £4.00 £8.00
Exeter Summerland Gate £2.20 £5.70 £10.80
NCP Princesshay £2.60 £6.50 £11.80
Exeter St David's £3.90   £9.90
Exeter Market Street £4.20 £7.10 £10.10

Permit pricing

There has been no increase in the cost of parking on the Exeter campuses for five years. To ensure fairness to all, from 1 October 2014, the charge to obtain a Standard Permit will rise annually in line with increases in public transport fares.

The annual rise in the cost to obtain a Parking Permit will be based on an average of the annual rise in bus and rail fares. Data on public transport fare rises will be obtained from the Bus Fare Index and Rail Fare Index, published annually by the Department for Transport and Office of Rail Regulation. 

From 1 October 2014, Parking Permits will still be based on emissions but part-time staff will be entitled to a reduced rate based on employee’s full-time equivalent (FTE). Via this method, an employee working 0.5 FTE would pay 50% of the full-time permit price per annum.


‌If you are permanently changing your car please return your old permit to the Car Parking Office, Northcote House, with a covering note and apply on line to amend your details. A new permit will then be issued free of charge.

If your car is in for repair or service please contact the Car Parking Office on 01392 725678 who will provide you with the necessary advice.

University Staff

Please complete the opt-out form and return together with your parking permit to the Car Parking Office. Upon receipt we will inform Payroll to stop salary deductions.  Please note payments will be rounded up to the end of the month.

Non University Staff

Please complete and return the refund application together with your parking permit‌ to the Car Parking Office so we may arrange your refund.

Blue Badge holders are entitled to apply for a Parking Permit free of charge. Please apply using the online car parking application form.

Due to planning restrictions placed on the University by the Local Authority, opportunities to expand our car parking facilities are limited. However, with growth in staff and student numbers expected in the coming years, modest increases will be applied as appropriate. 

Depending on how many days you work each week, it may be more cost effective to apply for an Authority to Park Permit. This Permit will enable you to park on campus for the reduced daily Pay and Display rate of £1 per day. The Authority to Park Permit is free of charge.

The purchase of a Parking Permit does not guarantee a parking space.

The regulations apply to the hours between 08:00 and 18:00 on Monday to Friday. Parking in accessible parking bays will only be permitted when displaying a Disabled Badge. Parking on yellow lines, in hatched boxes, cycle paths or on grassed areas is not permitted at anytime.

Yes. A Standard Permit issued at Exeter is valid at Exeter and Penryn campuses.

There are a few areas where additional rules apply:

  • Visitors Car Park – students and staff may not park here as it is restricted to visitors only.
  • Sports Hall Car Park - This is for the use of Sports Hall visitors only and there is a two hour limit.  Standard and Authority to Park Permits holders must obtain a free pay and display ticket to show their arrival time but Authority to Park permit holders must also purchase a reduced staff pay and display ticket.  People without permits must purchase a pay and display ticket.
  • Innovation Centre – A valid Innovation Centre car park sticker must also be displayed together with the University permit.
  • Reed Hall Car Park – This car park is reserved for Reed Hall clients only and is not available for general use.
  • Reed Mews Car Park – This is reserved for the Health Centre staff and Doctors under the terms of a lease of the premises and is not available to general permit holders.

Project North Park FAQs

A public consultation, run by the Council's Planning Department as part of the planning application, took place in February 2018. An event took place on 9 February 2018 where staff had an opportunity to see the designs and comment on the proposals.

The design team worked alongside the university to consult with key members to finalise the proposal.

The extension to Car Park B will deliver the same number of spaces on campus as are currently available when Car Park D is taken out of action to build Project North Park.

There will be a temporary loss in car park spaces while construction takes place on Car Park B. The construction has been planned for summer 2019 to minimise disruption to staff as pressure on car parking spaces is reduced.

You are going to be taking away my opportunity to park in Car Park D and I will now have to park further away in Car Park B, when parking is already an issue at the University. This will make my life more difficult.

The University is proposing to build Project North Park on Car Park D. The new building will deliver a world class research and teaching facility that will enable the University to achieve the step change it needs in research power, student experience and league table success.

As part of the plans for the building the University has invested in extending Car Park B to maintain the number of car park spaces available to staff. 

The current car parking arrangements on campus are relatively favourable in comparison with other local employers.

The project has also made a commitment to invest in sustainable travel initiatives to give staff more travel options (coming in spring 2019). These include:

  • Increasing the Stagecoach bus discount to include all city routes
  • Introducing three pool cars on campus that colleagues can hire by the hour
  • A personalised travel plan service for all new staff
  • Introducing free sustainable week-long travel tasters to new and existing colleagues

The University is about to embark on a major construction programme as part of its Estates Strategy. Find out more here.

The project is estimated to cost £4m and this money will come from the Capital Fund.

The new car park has been designed to be sensitive to the surrounding area.

The car park will not be multi-storey. It will be extended on the current site to create more car parking spaces and a lower level car park will be built to increase the overall capacity to 357.

To reduce light pollution from the new car park we will install low wattage lighting and the lights will dim after 10pm, with proximity sensors in operation.

Trees will be planted to improve the aesthetic look of the car park and reduce light pollution. The new trees will include semi-mature species of Common Oak, Silver Birch and Scot Pine.

The car park is part of the University’s Sustainable Travel Plan. The car park will include 35 electric parking bays and PV panels for solar electricity generation. The project is also contributing funds to introduce new sustainable travel initiatives (coming in spring 2019), including:

  • Increasing the Stagecoach bus discount to include all city routes
  • Introducing three pool cars on campus that colleagues can hire by the hour
  • A personalised travel plan service for all new staff
  • Introducing free sustainable week-long travel tasters to new and existing colleagues

The car park is being designed to be sensitive to the surrounding environment.

To reduce light pollution from the new car park we will install low wattage lighting and the lights will dim after 10pm, with proximity sensors in operation.

Trees will be planted to improve the aesthetic look of the car park and reduce light pollution. The new trees will include semi-mature species of Common Oak, Silver Birch and Scot Pine.

We continue to discourage students from bringing their cars to the city and actively promote and invest in sustainable travel initiatives.