11 - Pension

  1. Subject to the rules of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), new appointments in the academic job families are eligible to join USS. The employee’s contribution rate and the contribution made by the University are determined by USS in accordance with the rules of the Scheme. Any change to the employee’s contribution rate agreed by USS will be notified to employees by the University.
  2. Subject to the rules of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), new appointments in the Professional Services Staff job family, grades E and above are eligible to join USS. The employee’s contribution rate and the contribution made by the University are determined by USS in accordance with the rules of the Scheme. Any change to the employee’s contribution rate agreed by USS will be notified to employees by the University.
  3. New appointments in the Professional Services Staff job family, Grades B to D are eligible to join the University of Exeter Retirement Savings Scheme (ERSS), subject to the terms and conditions and/or policy governing the scheme from time to time in force, which may be amended by the University and the relevant scheme provider from time to time. Further details of the ERSS (including the contribution rates) will be provided to you under separate heading.
  4. Subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, staff will automatically become members unless they opt out in accordance with the rules of the relevant scheme.
  5. Where staff in the Professional Services Staff job family are promoted to a post graded E or above, or their current post is regraded E or above, they will not be eligible to continue their membership of ERSS. Transfer of benefits between ERSS and USS will be subject to the scheme rules applicable at that time.