Emergencies and contacts

Emergencies related to an individual’s health, travel or safety can arise at any time. Thorough planning (as part of the risk assessment) should be carried out by employees with their department before any employee travels abroad, covering contingencies in the event of emergencies, such as who to contact, means of communication etc.

Trent self service should be up hold up to date address, contact numbers and next of kin information.

Some of the key areas for emergency planning include:

  • The employee having adequate travel insurance
  • The employee having and carrying contact details of the emergency assistance provider (as per the insurance cover details)
  • The employee knowing the location and/or the contact details of the local British Embassy
  • The employee being aware of the local laws and cultural customs
  • The employee being aware of any political conflicts etc.
  • The employee having left the appropriate contact details for themselves, as well as their next of kin
  • Ensuring that an appropriate contact within the employee’s department has the details of their travel and accommodation arrangements, and any other useful information about them e.g. information about pre-existing health conditions that they are happy to disclose
  • Arrangements for the employee to make regular contact with the department and an agreed process on what to do if contact is not made as agreed.

Employees should ensure the key areas above have been actioned. The above list is not exhaustive, and there may be other relevant emergency-related procedures and practical matters to agree with the employee.

Any member of staff working overseas should ensure that their contact details on Trent Self Service are correct and that their emergency contacts are up to date.