Policy Details

Version: 1.0

Reviewed date: 2023

Next review: 2024

Owner: HR Global Mobility Team

Global Employment Policies

The role of the Global Employment Team is to equip the University with a robust, seamless and future-proof global HR framework that will deliver service excellence and support the University’s international expansion in a compliant and cost effective way, contributing to the University’s reputation as a truly international institution.

We are working on a number of ways of supporting this objective and policies will be added to as we continue to develop our Global Employment Framework.

Working+Holiday Policy

This pilot policy offers short term overseas working for non-UK nationals and bi nationals (30 calendar days max. in any rolling 12-month period) before or after a period of of annual leave in the location of their country of nationality. We will be reviewing this pilot policy in 2024.

Working+Holiday Policy 2023

Working+Holiday Guidance 2023

W‌orking+Holiday application form