Working outside the UK: University Position Statement and Principles

Position Statement on working outside of the UK

Our standard terms and conditions of employment are subject to English law and as such, all our employees are expected to work in the UK territory. This means that working overseas (i.e. outside the UK) is not permitted unless the nature of the role itself requires to be based overseas. In that case a compliant working arrangement is expressly agreed in the employment contract and planned accordingly.

Each overseas project represents an investment in both internal and external resources in order to ensure the same level of compliance as when we employ people overseas as in the UK. We want to ensure that our investment in Global Employment delivers a strategic benefit to the University which supports our Global Strategy. To achieve this, the University will assess each overseas project against a business case bringing evidence of the strategic value of the overseas-based role against our Global Strategy objectives.

Position on remote or hybrid working overseas for personal reasons

The pandemic has dramatically changed our ways of working and home working is becoming more common. It is important to note that home working is only permitted within the UK territory. The University will not support the relocation of staff members overseas for personal reasons.

Main Principles of the University's Overseas Working Policy

(a) Overseas working is defined by an employee of the University delivering work for the University from outside the UK.

(b) All overseas working projects should be approved in advance by the Faculty PVC or Division Director, taking account of the strategic value of the overseas appointment against the costs and risks.

(c) Where an overseas working project is approved, the Faculty PVC or Division Director will confirm that all incurred costs will be met by the College. (It may be possible to recharge some additional costs to research grants.)

(d) Requests for relocation which support the personal preference of an employee not be supported unless a business case for an exception under compassionate grounds or attraction / retention reasons can be made. The business case should be approved by the Faculty PVC or Division Director before it is presented a the Central Panel (Provost, Registrar, HR Director) for final decision on the case.

(e) No employee should be permitted to start work overseas until all the registration and payroll arrangements have been put in place. Employing Faculties and Divisions should take account of the fact that it can take 6 to 12 months to complete this process.

(f) No employee should be permitted to start work outside the UK without the University receiving satisfactory evidence of their right to work in that country.

(g) If an employee works overseas without the correct approvals and structure in place according to the above, they will be placed on unpaid leave until they return to the UK.