Managing flexible working
Managers are responsible for thinking about how flexible working in their team may help them to achieve their business objectives and manage space effectively.
Requests to work flexibly must be managed in line with the flexible working principles using the guidance in this toolkit. Managers should encourage and support requests that have a positive or neutral impact on the University.
Managers should read and understand the flexible working policy and the following over-arching guidance which cover the broad parameters of flexible working for these two groups of staff:
For Managers
This section of the toolkit provides guidance on:
- Considering a flexible working request including example requests and considerations and who makes decisions.
- Flexible working requests during the recruitment process
- Using space effectively
- Annual Teaching restrictions guidance for Colleges (Exeter campuses version)
- Annual teaching restrictions guidance - Penryn
Types of flexible working
There is further guidance relevant to managers in the Staff section of this website including specific guidance covering more detail on the following types of flexible working: