Absence related to COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses

If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive you should follow NHS guidance. Please contact your manager to let them know and to discuss arrangements.

Symptoms of COVID-19, flu and common respiratory infections can be found on the NHS webpages

If you feel well enough to work from home and this is agreed with your line manager, then you can work and this will not be classed as sickness absence. If you do begin to feel unwell and need to stop working from home, please alert your manager and follow the usual sickness reporting process.

If you are unwell, or your role does not allow you to work from home, then please follow the usual sickness reporting process to record your absence.

There is further guidance and information on the Government website and NHS website regarding what to do if you have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19.

Staff can contact the  Occupational Health team for health advice and guidance, and can access the University’s EAP provider, Spectrum Life for additional support.