Redeployment procedure
This procedure applies to:
- employees that have two or more years' continuous service on the intended date of dismissal (or for fixed term employees will have completed two or more years' service on the expiry of the fixed term contract) who have been given formal notice of redundancy; and
- employees who are being considered for redeployment as a reasonable adjustment in accordance with the disability provisions of the Equality Act.
Whilst an employee is defined as a redeployee, they will be considered for any vacancies that arise within the University for which they submit a formal application. The redeployee should submit their application no later than the advertised closing date. If it is then agreed by the Recruitment Team and the Recruiting Manager that the position offers a job match then the employee should receive priority consideration in accordance with this procedure.
Employees who are redeployees
If you are a redeployee under this procedure, you are responsible for:
- regularly reviewing the University’s vacancy website to identify vacancies within the University for which they may be suitable;
- applying for suitable vacancies at the earliest opportunity;
- considering reasonable changes in working arrangements, pay and responsibilities;
- preparing for interviews;
Managers of employees who are redeployees
If you are the manager of a redeployee under this procedure, you are responsible for:
- providing appropriate support to redeployees;
- providing references;
- approving time off for interviews.
If you are a recruiting manager and have had a request to consider a redeployee for your vacancy, you are responsible for:
- responding positively to requests to consider redeployees for vacancies;
- considering applications from redeployees against the essential criteria for the position (taking advice from Human Resources);
- wherever practicable, where a potential job match exists, interviewing redeployees at the earliest opportunity and before consideration of other candidates;
- in the priority interview, assessing redeployees against the essential requirements for the position as detailed in the job description and person specification;
- providing feedback to redeployees who do not meet the essential criteria for the role or who are unsuccessful at interview;
- determining suitability during a trial period.
When the advertisement period is closed, the Recruitment Team will initially send the Recruiting Manager applications of any redeployees who are eligible for redeployment for the vacancy, in the following criteria order:
- Employees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave, employees returning from maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave for a fixed period (see below), pregnant employees (who have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy) and redeployees under the Equality Act, i.e. who cannot work in their current role due to a disability
- Any other redeployees
Redeployees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and for a period following their return, and pregnant employees (who have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy)
Redeployees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and for a period following their return and pregnant employees (who have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy) (as well as redeployees under the Equality Act, i.e. who cannot work in their current role due to a disability) have priority over other redeployees. They have an automatic right under statute to be offered any suitable vacancies without going through a competitive selection process. Consideration must be given to whether the vacancy is a suitable alternative role, and if so, the role must be offered.
The redundancy protected period during pregnancy and maternity starts when an employee tells their employer that they are pregnant and ends 18 months from the exact date the baby is born.
If an employee has a miscarriage within the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, the redundancy protected period ends 2 weeks from the end of the pregnancy.
If a child is stillborn after 24 weeks of pregnancy, the redundancy protected period ends 18 months from the date of the birth.
The redundancy protected period starts on the day someone's adoption leave begins and ends 18 months from either the date the adoption placement starts or (if it's an overseas adoption) the date the child enters England, Scotland or Wales,
The redundancy protected period starts on the day a period of shared parental leave begins. If an employee takes less than 6 weeks leave – the protected period ends on the last day of the block of leave. If an employee takes 6 weeks or more of continuous leave – the protected period ends 18 months from the date of the child's birth. If the employee takes discontinuous leave, the redundancy protected period finishes at the end of each period of shared parental leave. An employee who has already taken adoption or maternity leave will have the redundancy protected period of that specific type of leave.
Redeployment as a ‘reasonable adjustment’
An employer's duty to make reasonable adjustments may require the University to transfer a redeployee who is unable to continue working in their existing role due to a disability to an existing vacancy without going through a competitive selection process, unless the Recruiting Manager has a concern that the candidate is not appointable.
The Recruitment Team will provide the recruiting manager with details of these redeployees at the same time as any redeployees on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and for a period following their return, and pregnant employees (who have informed the University of the fact of their pregnancy).
If there is more than one priority redeployee applicant for the role then further consideration will be given based on each redeployee’s skills, job knowledge and experience.
Other redeployees
If there are no redeployees who meet the priority criteria above, the Recruitment Team will send the Recruiting Manager applications of any redeployees who are eligible for redeployment for the vacancy.
If the Recruitment Team/Recruiting Manager assess that a potential job match exists, then the redeployee(s) must be given a priority interview for that position prior to considering/interviewing other candidates who may have applied.
There may be instances when it is not practical for a redeployee to attend a priority interview - e.g. in the case of sickness absence. In these circumstances alternative selection arrangements may be agreed (in consultation with the redeployee and the Recruiting Manager) to assess the employee's suitability.
Unless the recruitment panel can demonstrate that the redeployee does not possess the necessary competence by matching the essential criteria for the position then they must be offered the position, subject to a trial period of four weeks, see:
If the redeployee demonstrates an aptitude and capability for the type of work in the priority interview but lacks some necessary skill or knowledge specific to the particular position, then an assessment should be made by the recruitment panel to establish whether the role can be offered subject to a longer trial period (of up to twelve weeks) to allow for reasonable retraining.
If there is more than one redeployee applicant for the role a competitive selection process can take place between these candidates.
The Redeployment Procedure is intended to support redeployees to obtain a suitable alternative appointment at their substantive grade or, where there is a job match, one grade lower. Where an employee is redeployed to a lower graded job, the University may provide protection in accordance with its pay protection policy.
Employees who are offered redeployment will be given a 4 week trial period in the new position during which progress will be subject to regular reviews. Subject to performance, and with the agreement of both parties, the appointment will be confirmed at the end of this trial period. In exceptional circumstances, and with the agreement of both parties, the trial period may be extended for a further 8 weeks (to a total maximum of 12 weeks). Any extension for the purpose of a training requirement must be agreed in writing before the trial period begins.
Note: For staff who do not have the right to work in the United Kingdom, redeployment to another position with the University will be subject to the terms of their work permit/Certificate of Sponsorship and the requirements of UK Visas and Immigration.