Limited leave to remain

If you have limited leave to remain you must let the HR Immigration Team know:

  • That you have taken steps to renew your leave to remain (visa) in good time before its expiry and keep them informed of the progress of your application.
  • As soon as possible if your immigration status changes
  • Present evidence of your new leave to remain (visa) as soon as you receive it.

Additional requirements for individuals employed on a Skilled Worker visa

If you are currently sponsored by the University on a Skilled Worker visa under the Points Based System there are several changes to circumstances that you must inform the HR Immigration team about during the course of your employment.  This will ensure that the university meets its obligations relating to monitoring immigration status and migrant contact details, record keeping and reporting changes to the UKVI.

The University can be visited by the Home Office at any time to verify compliance with these obligations.  Sanctions for non-compliance include demotion from an A-rated to B-rated sponsor or de-registration.  Imposition of such sanctions would jeopardise the university's ability to employ international staff.

Your support and co-operation is required to ensure the University complies with its sponsor obligations.  As a holder of a Skilled Worker certificate of Sponsorship, you are required to notify the HR Imigration Team of any changes to your circumstances.  In particular, you must report the following immediately:

  • Update changes to your residential address in the UK or your contact details including all telephone numbers (e.g. Mobile, landline and address) on Trent self service
  • if you are considering taking up additional supplementary employment or an alternative role whilst under the University's sponsorship;
  • you resignation from the University's employment;
  • reasons for absence without permission for more than 10 working days;
  • if you no longer require sponsorship (for example, if you move into an immigration category that does not need a sponsor or obtain unlimited leave to remain or UK citizenship);
  • if you are appointed to a new/different role in the University or there is a change to your job title and/or duties and responsibilities;
  • If your work location changes for a significant period of time;
  • any significant changes to your circumstances (e.g. marriage);
  • if for any reason you lose an appropriate registration or professional accreditation which is a requirement of your appointment (e.g. registration with the General Medical Council);
  • any breach of the conditions of your leave to remain in the UK.

Given the seriousness of not reporting the above, any failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

If you are a Student visa holder, you must comply with the limitations on work applicable to international students.