Exeter Academic Review and Implementation

About the Exeter Academic Review

In July 2022, the Exeter Academic Review group (chaired by Professor Rich Smith- DVC Strategy Integration and Resource) was commissioned, with the aim of reviewing the promotion and progression (inc probation) structures for academic colleagues, to create a reward, recognition and promotion scheme that values and recognises excellence across all academic career paths. Membership of the group included PVCs and DPVCs from all faculties as well as representation from UCU.

The review used the feedback from the academic community (collected via two feedback periods autumn 2022 and spring 2023) and external sector-wide research undertaken by an external consultant to produce 16 recommendations. These recommendations were then presented to Senate and UEB, 12 recommendations were approved, 2 required further investigation and 2 were not approved. You can view the full list of recommendations here

Implementation of Recommendations

Implementation of the 12 recommendations began in term 1 of 2023/24 academic year and will take place as part of a phased approach. This work is being overseen by Professor Dan Charman (Provost) with support from Faculty Executive Boards (FEBs), Senate and the University Executive Board (UEB) with further dialogue with our local branch of the University and College Union (UCU).

A series of minor changes have been made to the 2023/24 process including:

  • Removing the business case requirement for the Education and Scholarship family,
  • Creating a single simplified application form,
  • Reducing the number of external reviews required for promotion to Associate Professor and Professor.

Please note that the current criteria and process will continue to apply for the remainder of the current 2023/24 application cycle.  

A series of more substantive changes will be introduced from September 2024, these can be viewed on the new Probation, Promotion and Progression webpage. 

Sent to all academic staff: 26/01/2024

Dear xxxx,  

I’m writing to provide you with an update on upcoming changes to the academic promotions process following the 2022/23 Exeter Academic review and recommendations, chaired by Professor Rich Smith. The review was commissioned to revise our approach to academic promotions processes and criteria, following the development of Strategy 2030, the changing needs of the University and staff feedback since the last revision in 2015. During the review and consultation, we received further feedback from academic colleagues who told us that they wanted the promotions process to be clearer, simpler, flexible, more transparent and inclusive.

After extensive consultation with Faculty Executive Boards, Senate and the University Executive Board (UEB), as well as our local branch of the University and College Union (UCU), I’m pleased to share the changes to the promotions process below.

We have already made some minor changes to the 2023/24 process including removing the business case requirement for the Education and Scholarship family, creating a single simplified application form and reducing the number of external reviews required for promotion to Associate Professor and Professor. Please note that the current criteria and process will continue to apply for the remainder of the current 2023/24 application cycle. A series of more substantive changes will be introduced from September 2024 and we are communicating the changes now so that you have early notice. 

Changes from September 2024:

  • A standardised approach to criteria across job families for simplicity and equity, to allow a greater range in the balance of activity within and between job families (this replaces 12 separate sets of documentation).
  • A wider range of promotions criteria to reflect the changing needs of the University, particularly in business engagement and innovation.
  • Modification/clarification of existing promotion criteria to maximise transparency and consistency.
  • Increased clarity and value placed on citizenship, with an emphasis on collegiality, community and support within the University.
  • Clarity on the balanced scorecard approach to be taken in preparation of cases for support, evaluation and feedback.
  • Creation of an annual cycle with better links to PDR discussions, greater equity of opportunity and improved feedback.
  • Removal of interviews for Associate Professor and Professor, thereby dedicating more time to reviewing written applications and providing feedback at the Assessment Panels, and thus making faster overall decision making.
  • Improved feedback built into the application and evaluation process and paperwork.

I will be holding a briefing for all academic colleagues via Teams on Monday 5 February at 12:30 for those who would like further information, and to answer any questions. A invite to this will be sent to you shortly, or you can join via this link.

We have updated the Exeter Academic website to reflect these changes, if you require further information please email: acad-promotions@exeter.ac.uk

Best wishes


Professor Dan Charman

Senior Vice-President and Provost

University of Exeter