Information for colleagues

This section provides an overview of the Academic Professional Programme (APP) for colleagues who support participants on the programme, including Heads of Discipline, Senior Acedemic Leaders, Senior Academic Mentors, line-managers, and workload planning teams.

Information about the syllabus, programme content and module descriptors, can be found on the 'About the Programme' webpages, and a Participant Handbook is available for participating Lecturers. This is hosted on ELE and can be accessed once enrolled.

Academic Professional Programme - guide for Department Workplace Mentors 2022-2

Each Academic Professional Programme participant on the apprenticeship version of the programme is required to attend a minimum of 4 meetings with their Programme Mentor and Department Workplace Mentor every year they are on the programme. These meetings are known as progress review meetings (formerly, before September 2022, these were known as tripartite review meetings).

Your role is to help support the professional development of the academics taking the Academic Professional Programme to whom you have been assigned as a Department Workplace Mentor. The Department Workplace Mentor role is usually only assigned to a colleague taking the apprenticeship version of the programme (please see section 2 below for a summary of the two versions of the programme).  

The key roles of the Department Workplace Mentor is to:


Attend progress review meetings with the participant four times a year. There will also be a Programme Mentor at these meetings, but you will be invited to guide and mentor the  participant from the discipline’s perspective, ensuring their development on the programme is in line with the academic culture and priorities of your discipline and/or Faculty. You will be contacted by the participant to arrange a suitable time for this meeting each term. 


Reviewing materials in the OneFile ePortfolio provided by the Academic Professional participant in advance of each progress review meeting, if required. Not all Department Workplace Mentors do this, but some find it useful because the participant usually completes a task for discussion in the meeting, about some aspect of their academic practice (i.e. digital technologies, teaching philosophy, research strategy and so on). 


Helping to check and support the participant’s progress, including engaging with the Gateway review, which is the final progress review meeting to confirm the participant is ready to move into the three-month window allocated to the programme’s end-point assessment showcase.

For further information, please see the Academic Professional Programme - guide for Department Workplace Mentors 2022-2 [pdf].

If you have any further questions, or any suggestions for this quick guide, please do get in touch by email:

This is a short overview of the Academic Professional Programme (APP) for colleagues including Heads of Discipline, line-managers, and workload planning teams.  It is designed to set out key information about the administration of the programme in terms of enrolment and workload allocation.

College quick guide for APP admin and workload March 2019 [pdf]

Information about the syllabus, programme content and module descriptors, can be found on the 'About the Programme' webpages, and a Participant Handbookis available for participating Lecturers. This is hosted on ELE and can be accessed once enrolled. 

Further Information

For further information please email: