South West Institutions' Middle Manager Programme (SWIMM)

A regional management programme for middle managers working in HE.

SWIMM is an innovative, two day, residential programme for middle managers working in South West universities. 

The programme gives managers the chance to reflect on their role and to further develop some key management skills and techniques, needed in today’s universities. Participants benefit greatly (see comments below) from the opportunity to liaise and network with peers in similar roles from across the sector, in a supportive atmosphere, away from the normal working environment.

For further information see the SWIMM Flyer November 2024

Residential: Thursday 7th November & Friday 8th November 2024.

(please refer to the Terms & Conditions section of the SWIMM Flyer November 2024 ‌regarding cancellations and changes)

As a result of attending this programme, delegates will have:

  • Furthered their understanding of the HEI context, networking with managers undertaking similar roles.
  • Looked at how they see themselves as managers, management style, ways people work together in teams, are motivated to perform.
  • Developed management tools/techniques to apply in the workplace.
  • Built personal networks which can widen horizons, provide fresh insights.
  • Created strategies for personal development and a plan

Professional Services middle managers (typically Grades F-G), new to their role or those who would like to further develop their management skills. Although the programme was designed with line managers in mind, the content may also be relevant for those managing in a matrix structure and project managers, as long as the teams they lead are reasonably big and a significant amount of their time is spent guiding/leading people involved.

The fee for 2024 is £925 per delegate.

Line manager approval is needed, as your Faculty/Directorate will be required to fund the cost. 

Fee includes all course materials; individualised profile; (hotel accommodation and meals included). The cost does not include travel to and from events, nor additional overnight stays. This represents excellent value for money. On the open market, similar residential programmes might cost £1,500.

Interested delegates should complete and submit their signed SWIMM Nomination Form November 2024, with manager approval to Please note that initial places are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to suitable delegates. Depending on interest from other institutions, further places may become available.  


SWIMM Programme Team, brought to you by 'The People Advantage'.

  • Great opportunity to gain a wider perspective, to challenge yourself, to address issues, to think through approaches, to meet others, to stretch yourself.
  • The course has been absolutely fantastic. A wonderful opportunity to stop and critically reflect on my management skills.
  • The various profiles/questionnaires helped me self-evaluate and understand more about my management style.
  • I highly recommend this course, great opportunity for reflection & analysis. Presenters are excellent & structure of course made me feel valued & appreciated and worthy of investment. I would like others to gain this as I’m sure it will have a lasting impact.
  • To be away from my day job and allow myself time to think is wonderful. I now have a clear idea of how to plan and do tasks I have been putting off.
  • I think it will make a HUGE difference to how I manage my team & support them so they are happier & we are productive in the right way.