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Courses and resources

Note-Taking during HR Procedures



Personal Effectiveness

About this course:

Note taking plays a vital part of the University's procedures as it ensures that conversations/actions at meetings/hearings are accurately recorded, which may form part of the evidence before a formal procedure.

The benefits of attending this course are:.

- Development of your note-taking skills.

- Exposure to different areas of the University (both in terms of colleges and professional services), so an opportunity to learn more about the UoE and the different types of work done here.

- Confidence building when dealing and communicating with a wide variety of UoE staff, including members of senior management (PVCs, DCOs and Heads of Services).

- Exposure to the University's different HR procedures e.g note taking could be at disciplinary or grievance investigations, as well as at hearings and appeal hearings for disciplinaries, capability hearings, ill health proceedings and grievance meetings.

Learning outcomes:

As a result of attending this course, you will be able to:.

- Understand the role of the note-taker - Understand the University's key HR procedures - Understand the role of Investigating Officer - Understand the importance of confidentiality and data protection

Who should attend this course:

Staff from Grade C and above, who are able to commit to 1 or 2 hearings per year and assist in 1 or 2 investigations.

Time will need needed after to tidy up your notes.


Emma Palace - HR Casework Advisor.

Heather Gall - HR Casework Administrator.

Liz Wiseman - HR Casework Administrator.

Learning provider:

This course is administered by People Development; please contact for more details.

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