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Courses and resources

Making a Difference Through Change for Managers



People Management.


Working within a team.

Course Overview: This module has been designed to provide you with essential knowledge to enable you to introduce and manage change effectively.

Change has become a constant including individual change, organisational change, or changes in our environment.

Navigating through the disruption change causes can be challenging for all of us.

People are often more comfortable when things stay the same.

This workshop will offer you tools and techniques to help you lead others through these challenges by preparing for change, including managing its psychological impact, and communicating effectively in times of change.

Learning Outcomes: During the workshop you will: Explore the psychological impact of change and how to support people through it.

Understand a model which will help you to plan effectively for implementing change.

Develop a clear vision and comunication plan for your change.

Explore tools and techniques for implementing and anchoring change.

Recognise the challenges you and your teams are facing with currnet or recent changes.


Managers who are responsible for guiding their teams through times of change.


Centre 4 Learning.


3 hours online.

Course Administration:

This course is administered by People Development; please contact for more details.

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