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Researcher Development : Applying for Your Next Academic Role



Education and Research


Develop yourself and your career

About this course:

This activity is for staff on R and E&R only contracts - grades E-G.

This course is delivered online and joining instructions will be sent out beforehand.

This course will enable you to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the process of applying for positions in the academic job market.

We'll explore what academic recruiters are looking for, where to source vacancies and explore the different stages of the recruitment process.

There will be a particular focus on how to write effective CVs, cover letters, application forms and perform well at interviews.

Learning outcomes:

As a result of attending this course, you will be able to: - What academic recruiters are looking for.

- Where to source academic job vacancies.

- How to become more confident in your ability to effectively market skills, experience and knowledge.

- What makes an effective academic CV/cover letter.

- Techniques for completing application forms and personal statements.

- How to prepare and perform effectively at interviews.

- The help, support and resources to help you move forward.

Who should attend this course:

This course is recommended for Early Career Researchers.


This session is delivered by Kenneth Howgill, Employability and Carers Consultant, Researcher Development and Research Culture team.

Before the course:

No preparation is required for this course.

Learning provider:

This course is administered by Researcher Development; please contact for more details.

If you register for any of our sessions, it is expected that you will attend.

If you are not able to attend please log in to the `iTrent' online system to remove your name from the relevant activity before it is due to take place.

You will be expected you to attend for the whole session and for ease of administration, attendance registers will be taken at the end of each session.

Should you need to leave a session early or you experience ongoing technical issues, please email

22/10/2024 Delivered Virtually 11:30 13:00 Free Kenneth Howgill 19

Book your place or add your name to the waiting list