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Courses and resources

Personal Presence and Impact



Personal Effectiveness


Developing Yourself and Your Career.

About this course:

Ever felt that your voice has been drowned out by more senior or strident ones? That your views have gone largely unheard? That you didn't have the status to establish respect to argue your corner convincingly? This lively and enjoyable half-day course will help you make a memorable impression.

It equips you with practical communication style and skills to help strengthen your confidence and become someone to whom others want to listen in different situations (e.g.

meetings, interviews, presentations and one-to-one sessions).

The training will focus on communication style rather than content.

It will be a good opportunity for you to discover how to grow in personal authority and do yourself justice in a range of situations, from meetings to networking events.

Learning outcomes:

As a result of attending this course, you will be able to:.

- See yourself as others see you and develop confidence.

- Strengthen your physical and vocal presence.

- Speak memorably with impact and authority.

- Achieve authenticity in communication.

- Develop a personal action plan.

Who should attend this course:

This course is designed for all staff groups - Academic or Professional Services staff - and all grades.


Vox Coaching ( VOX coaches are experts in helping people to communicate in their own style - but with more skill and a dash of inspiration.

What previous participants have said about the course:

"A really informative and interactive course with excellent delivery - kept my interest 100%".

"Provided me with small techniques that will have a big impact".

"The best training I have ever attended in 30 years of working".

"The techniques taught can be immediately applied".

Learning provider:

This course is administered by People Development; please contact for more details.

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