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Academic Tutoring - Tutoring your PGTs



Personal Effectiveness


Education and Research Academic Development

About this course:

This workshop has been developed to help you, as a tutor, to address the particular issues facing our PGT students.

We will draw on research conducted in Exeter to inform our work.

Learning outcomes:

As a result of attending this course, you will have a better understanding of the particular challenges your PGT students face, and begin to identify better ways to support them.

Specifically you will : - explore the different kinds of support a PGT student requires, - start to develop ways to build strong tutoring practice ensuring that PGTs get the support they need, before they need it.

Who should attend this course:

All PGT student facing staff


Dr Karen Kenny

Before the course:

please visit the Tutor resources in the Education Toolkit


n/a This course is administered by Academic Development; please contact for more details.

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Please add yourself to the waiting list and we will contact you once dates are available.


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