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Researcher Development : How to Manage Your Career



Education and Research


How to Develop yourself and your Career

About this course:

This activity is for staff on R and E&R only contracts - grades E-G.

This course will be delivered online and a joining link will be forwarded to candidates beforehand.

A practical and interactive career management course for Early Career Researchers (ECRs).

The tools and techniques introduced in this session will be applicable to managing a career within research, but also to those participants wishing to investigate a broader career path outside academia.

There will be information, discussions and individual exercises on the following:.

- Career management tools and techniques.

- Career values, motivations and skills/strengths.

- Exploring career options both in academia and beyond academia.

- Creative strategies for job search.

- Identification of resources for further help and support.

- Career action planning.

Learning outcomes:


As a result of attending this course, you will be able to:.

- Examine strategies to manage and develop your career.

- Take stock and reflect on what is important to you in your career.

- Consider the skills and achievements you have developed to date that will benefit your career.

- Explore how to examine the range of possible career options available within and outside academia.

- Understand how to maximise opportunities through creative job hunting.

- Identify resource, networks and people for further help and support.

- Create a plan of action to move forward with your career ideas.

Who should attend this course:

This course is recommended for Early Career Researchers and PGRs.


The session will be delivered by Kenneth Howgill, Researcher Development Career Coach, Researcher Development and Research Culture team.


Worksheets (below), will be circulated along with joining link, before the webinar.

Please complete prior to attending.

There will be an opportunity to reflect on the exercises during the session:-.

- Identifying your Values.

- Identifying your Strengths.

Learning provider:

This course is administered by Researcher Development; please contact for more details.

If you register for any of our sessions, it is expected that you will attend.

If you are not able to attend please log in to the 'iTrent' online system to remove your name from the relevant activity before it is due to take place.

You will be expected you to attend for the whole session and for ease of administration, attendance registers will be taken at the end of each session.

Should you need to leave a session early or you experience ongoing technical issues, please email

26/09/2024 Delivered Virtually 10:00 11:30 Free Kenneth Howgill 22

Book your place or add your name to the waiting list