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Courses and resources

Researcher Development : LinkedIn for Researchers - Developing and Using Your Profile



Developing yourself and your career


Education and Research

About this course:

This activity is for staff on R and E&R only contracts - grades E-G.

This course is delivered online and a joining link will be circulated beforehand.

A practical and interactive professional social media course for postgraduate researchers (PGR's) and Early career researchers (ECR's).

The tools and techniques introduced in this session will be applicable to all those who wish to develop their LinkedIn profile and be proactive in developing online relationships with the wider professional and research community.

There will be information provided and opportunities for Q & A as well as a live demonstration of using LinkedIn to engage with the wider researcher and professional community beyond Exeter.

- Key criteria to create a successful LinkedIn profile.

- What makes a 5-star profile.

- Using LinkedIn to build relationships within the wider research and professional community.

- Creative approaches to engaging with Exeter alumni and alumni from other universities.

- Using LinkedIn job search tools and techniques.

- Exploring recently added new features to LinkedIn.

- Identification of resources for further help and support.

Learning outcomes:

As a result of attending this course, you will be able to:.

- Build a comprehensive LinkedIn profile.

- Appreciate how to use 'keywords' and be found by recruiters.

- Consider how to promote your skills and gain endorsements which will benefit your career.

- Explore how to use the alumni tool to gain insights into careers within and beyond academia.

- Understand how to maximise opportunities through creative job hunting.

- Identify resources, networks and people for further help and support.

- Learn about the latest developments on LinkedIn.

Who should attend this course:

This course is recommended for Research Staff and PGRs.

If you are a PGR, please book via this link:


This session is delivered by Kenneth Howgill, Employability and Carers Consultant, Researcher Development and Research Culture team.

Before the course:

It would be helpful to spend a short amount of time (30 minutes) reviewing your own LinkedIn profile.

Learning provider:

This course is administered by Researcher Development; please contact for more details.

If you register for any of our sessions, it is expected that you will attend.

If you are not able to attend please log in to the `iTrent' online system to remove your name from the relevant activity before it is due to take place.

You will be expected you to attend for the whole session and for ease of administration, attendance registers will be taken at the end of each session.

Should you need to leave a session early or you experience ongoing technical issues, please email

09/10/2024 Delivered Virtually 13:15 14:30 Free Kenneth Howgill 23

Book your place or add your name to the waiting list