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Researcher Development : Introduction to Project Management for Researchers - Exeter Course



Education and Research


Education and Research This activity is for staff on R and E&R only contracts - grades E-G.

This session will be DELIVERED IN-PERSON.

About this course:

This is an intense and compact 1-day in-person course that provides a high-level overview of key Project Management techniques and concepts.

It offers an introduction to the process of managing projects and the tools to assist in planning and tracking progress; this course is intended to be immediately applicable to planning and managing academic and research projects as well as commercial projects.

It covers the theory and principles of project management within the context of the Project Management Institute.

Learning outcomes:

During this 1-day onsite course, participants will: .

- Learn the basics of the project planning process and receive tools, techniques and guidelines that can be used immediately on any project;.

- Appreciate the fundamental principles of a well-led and well directed project, such as identifying and scheduling tasks, activities, milestones and understanding and managing stakeholders;.

- Be aware of the critical factors that will influence project success;.

- Use practical, group-based exercises to reinforce and enhance the skills learned;.

- Create work breakdown structures, network diagrams, critical path analysis, Gantt charts and other techniques that ensure robust project control.

Who should attend this course:

The course is specifically designed for staff on R and E&R only contracts and PGRs.


Dr Fraser Robertson from Fistral Training (

Before the course:

No preparation is required for this course.

Learning provider:

This course is administered by Researcher Development; please contact for more details.

If you register for any of our sessions, it is expected that you will attend.

If you are not able to attend please log in to the `iTrent' online system to remove your name from the relevant activity before it is due to take place.

You will be expected you to attend for the whole session and for ease of administration, attendance registers will be taken at the end of each session.

Should you need to leave a session early or you experience ongoing technical issues, please email

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Please add yourself to the waiting list and we will contact you once dates are available.


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