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Staff news and updates

Weekly Bulletin

The Weekly Bulletin is a newsletter, circulated to all colleagues on Monday afternoons. It is used to keep you up-to-date on all the issues that are important at the University.

We launched Weekly Bulletin in January 2015. In October 2020 we introduced a new format in Weekly Bulletin, which allows for reader comments and other interactions, as well as a refreshed look-and-feel. Please do let us know what you think; we are always interested in your feedback, and in finding ways to continuously improve the publication – you can contact us at

In Weekly Bulletin, you can read about individual and team successes, the progress of specific projects, updates from faculties, services and campuses, the latest information from our senior managers, IT and e-learning news, links to upcoming events, learning and development opportunities, and much more. In addition to all of this, we hope that the Weekly Bulletin will reduce the number of all-staff emails which are circulated.

You can find all previous editions of Weekly Bulletin available to view in our online archive, which is updated every week.

The Weekly Bulletin is circulated to all colleagues via email, every Monday afternoon. All text sent to be considered for inclusion needs to be submitted to the Internal Communications team in the week before publication, at the latest by 12pm on the Thursday.

All articles are edited to fit size and house style, and we ask that submissions are kept to a word count of around 150 words. We also welcome images alongside content.

The Internal Communications team produces the Weekly Bulletin on Fridays and Mondays. We cannot guarantee to include articles in the next issue if the text is not received by 12pm on Thursday. We often receive a high number of submissions, and editorial decisions on inclusion are based on the number of articles we have that week, and other key update priorities.

A specific edition is produced for Cornwall-based staff – all content for this edition should also be sent to the Internal Communications team. The team liaises with contacts on our Cornwall campuses to ensure that the Cornwall edition of Weekly Bulletin is tailored to this audience.

The Weekly Bulletin is not intended to replace any face-to-face consultation/update meetings but instead should be used to complement the face-to-face communication methods already being used at the University.

We've produced a Handy Guide to Weekly Bulletin reminding you of the process ‌and deadlines, and listing some of our top tips to make your submission stand out.

Please send us your news at any time in the week prior to publication, and at the very latest by 12pm each Thursday. The Weekly Bulletin comes out on the following Monday afternoon. When a Bank Holiday occurs the Weekly Bulletin will be circulated on the Tuesday. We will let you know in advance any changes to deadlines via the Weekly Bulletin.

Frequently asked questions

It is expected that Faculty and Service newsletters will continue for sharing local news. However as the Weekly Bulletin is circulated every week and with a fast turnaround it might prove a more timely way to share news and events. We would hope that the Weekly Bulletin can be used to share news from Faculties and Services across the whole University staff community.

We aim to send the Weekly Bulletin out at around 3pm on Monday afternoons. When a Bank Holiday occurs the Weekly Bulletin will generally come out on Tuesday. Over the Christmas vacation period the Weekly Bulletin is less frequent. 

The best way to share details of your event is to list it on the main University events webpage. The Weekly Bulletin will be linked to this page. The Weekly Bulletin will aim to highlight some events taking place that week and future events that can be booked. If you or your colleagues do not have access to upload events to the list please contact for guidance.

If your event is particularly strategically important please let the internal communications team know by emailing

The Weekly Bulletin, like most e-newsletters at the University, is created and distributed using an external web system. This makes sure it has the same format for all recipients, allows us to see which stories are popular, and helps us adhere to data protection guidelines. It also helps us deal with the large amount of recipients – more than 4,500 email addresses receive the Weekly Bulletin. However as the list is so large it does take time to roll out, in particular to come through the University’s email server. It is sent in alphabetical order.

Articles need to be as short as possible. We have a template that works best with one main lead sentence, then further information is housed behind a 'read more' button.  Ideally please send an article highlighting the most important element, then provide around 100 further words and weblinks (more words can be accommodated but we like to keep it brief for our readers). Pictures are most welcome and will be resized to fit.

Please be aware that your article may be edited to fit size and house style.