List of Resources
Guide for Line Managers: Wellness Action Plans (WAPS) (MIND)
Working From Home Wellness Action Plan (MIND)
Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (NHS)
Approaching a sensitive conversation about mental ill health (MIND)
Challenging conversations and how to manage them (ACAS)
Chaplaincy providing support for all regardless of worldview or religion
Protected Characteristics (Equality and Human Rights Commission)
Line Manager Competency Indicator Tool (PDF) (HSE)
Approaching a sensitive Conversation about mental ill health (ACAS/ Mental Health at Work)
CalmZone - Campaign Against Living Miserably is a suicide prevention charity
Protected Characteristics (Equality and Human Rights Commission)
Staff Ex-Hale Membership - Exeter Sports Park
Mental health Facts and statistics (MIND)
Good Work – The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices
Guide for Line Managers: Wellness Action Plans (WAPS) (MIND)
Mental health and employers | Refreshing the case for Investment (Deloitte)
Line Manager Competency Indicator Tool (PDF) (HSE)
Management referral to Occupational Health
Managing Mental Health & Stress Standard University of Exeter
Managing sickness absence code of practice
Mental health and employers | Refreshing the case for investment (Deloitte)
Mental health facts and statistics (MIND)
Types of Mental health problems (MIND)
Management referral to Occupational Health
Protected Characteristics (Equality and Human Rights Commission)
WPRA - Individual Workplace Pressures Risk Assessment tool (Individual) University of Exeter
WPRA - Team Workplace Pressures Risk Assessment tool (Team) University of Exeter
Self-help Guides - Devon Partnership Trust (NHS)
Spectrum Life University's Employee Assistance Programme (including counselling service)
Mental health facts and Statistics (MIND)
Work-related stress, anxiety or depression Statistics in Great Britain, 2023 (HSE)
Managing Mental Health & Stress Standard University of Exeter
Work-related Stress webpages (HSE)
Staff Ex-Hale Membership - Exeter Sports Park
University of Exeter Strategy 2030 (.pdf)
Stress Indicator Tool (SIT) is an online survey tool that teams can use to help identify workplace stressors and plan improvements
Suicide - awareness and support
Supporting the Mental Wellbeing of your Team - online training
Tackling Work-Related Stress Using the Management Standards Approach (HSE)
Good Work – The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices
Training, Learning and Development pages including A-Z of courses
Types of mental health problems (MIND)
Guide for Line Managers: Wellness Action Plans (WAPS) (MIND)
Wellbeing Converstations: Professor Barney Dunn, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Exeter, has created a series of videos demonstrating conversations between a line manager and a member of his team who is seeking guidance and support. (Please note that the videos are role play only but draw from real experiences.)
Video 1 - Setting up wellbeing as part of every line management meeting
Video 2 - Exploring stress and signposting
Video 3 - Reasonable adjustments
Video 4 - Reviewing progress and the next steps on the journey
7-minute Q&A by Michael West (video)
Longer talk by Michael West (video)
Working From Home Wellness Action Plan (MIND)
Working with Disability (Occupational Health)
Work-related stress webpages (HSE)
Tackling Work-Related Stress Using the Management Standards Approach (HSE)
Work-related stress, anxiety or depression statistics in Great Britain, 2023 (HSE)
WPRA - Individual Workplace Pressures Risk Assessment tool (Individual) University of Exeter
WPRA - Team Workplace Pressures Risk Assessment tool (Team) University of Exeter
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