Calendar 2013/14


1 Admission of Students
1.1 Each student, whether full- or part-time, and whether following a programme of study in the University for an award or for any other reason, must complete University registration procedures annually which shall include a declaration accepting the obligation to abide by the rules of the University and to accept the jurisdiction of the Senate. This formal registration which constitutes Matriculation shall, following the formal commencement of study programmes as listed in the Calendar, then confer upon the student the full privileges of student membership of the University.
1.2 Applicants must have satisfied the entrance requirements governing the programme of study they wish to follow and be at least 17 years of age before being registered, with the exception that students registering for a programme at the University of Exeter Medical School, which is subject to the regulations of a regulatory body, should meet the age requirements of that regulatory body.
Exceptionally, at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor, an individual applicant who is otherwise qualified but who is under 17 years of age may be registered (not applicable for the Medical School). The Senate shall be informed at the first opportunity of the exercise of such discretion.
1.3 Registered students shall, under the conditions set out in the University Calendar, pay to the University such fees, charges and penalties as may be prescribed.