Calendar 2013/14


10 Degrees Awarded after Undergraduate Study
10.1 Degrees may be awarded with Honours or as Pass Degrees or unclassified Ordinary Degrees.
10.2 The programme of study shall in every case include not less than 180 credits of a 360-credit programme or 240 credits of a 480-credit programme in the University or in an institution affiliated to, or associated with, the University (see Ordinances 30 and 31). For students registered on the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, the programme of study shall normally consist of 600 credits, as prescribed in the programme regulations. Exceptionally, these minima may be reduced in recognition of accumulated credits from study elsewhere. In every case, the final 120 credits of the programme shall be studied in the University or affiliated or associated institution.
10.3 Studies pursued in another university or other institution of higher education may be counted towards the credit requirements of a programme of study provided that the condition in paragraph 7.2 above is satisfied. Exceptionally, the nature of the BMBS programme is such that no recognition of prior learning of exemptions from study is normally permissable, other than transfer at an appropriate level of study from another UK medical school, at the discretion of the Dean of the University of Exeter Medical School and in accordance with the University's Teaching Quality Assurance Manual.
10.4 No candidate shall be admitted to an examination or other assessment in the final 120 credits of a programme without
  (a) having fulfilled the study requirements prescribed for the Degree, and
  (b) having obtained such consent for admission to the prescribed examination or other assessment as may be required.
10.5 In the case of failure, candidates may be permitted re-assessment in components of the final 120 credits of a programme, but on no more than one occasion, with the exception of Medical School candidates who may be permitted more than two attempts in extraordinary circumstances and at the discretion of the relevant Board of Examiners or specially convened committee.
10.6 Within the framework of this Ordinance, further regulation may be made for degrees both full- and part-time within the published Regulations governing each individual degree.
10.7 A graduate of the University may, with the approval of the College Dean, on completion of not less than 120 credits of additional study in the University, be accepted as a candidate for an honours degree in another subject or subjects or for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Law.